
6 Simple Ways to Motivate Your Child to Learn

As raw minds, children can often get distracted by the simplest of things. The right way to educate them is by keeping everything simple for them to learn. You can help them learn everything by breaking down the more complex problems in smaller portions. You must also try to be there for your children at all times. Everything that you follow to ensure how to increase focus of the little ones will help shape their personality when they grow up. This very aspect makes it very important to ensure a proper learning graph for the little ones and also sticking by it all along. Doing it right To begin with, you must understand that your child’s upbringing must not be compromised by all means. They must continue to enjoy their childhood and should not be traumatised with any mistake they make. As a parent, you must make sure that they always feel confident in whatever they do. You must keep things simple for them, engage them on how to increase focus , and even sit down with them to solve...

10 Mind Blowing Tips to Increase Concentration of Kids

Do you often worry about how to help your child concentrate on tasks assigned to them?If that is the case, relax. Almost every child passes through this stage in the beginning naturally. A lot of this has got to do with their curiosity and zeal to come across new things. While they may find these to be amusing, learning and homework require a lot of concentration, which can be achieved through focus and special exercises. You must also remember that every child’s way of learning may differ, so you must never push them into doing anything that doesn’t seem to work on them. Just like all the parents who wonder how to help my child concentrate , you too can utilise the following 10 mind blowing tips: Make bigger tasks smaller : Almost everything that children are expected to achieve today is big. Make as many of those bigger tasks smaller and simpler for your children as you can. This will simplify a lot of learning troubles for your little ones. Remove all distractions : Random d...

5 Simple and Effective Teaching Strategies

Teaching is not everyone’s cup of tea. There’s a reason why there are specialist teachers in schools who can train your little ones better than what you possibly could. The very purpose of education is not to issue students certificates but give them the education that helps them later in their lives. However, this all begins with putting down the right foundation stone. Children have to be trained through effective teaching strategies to learn and develop creative skills and learn the importance of education in their lives. It’s not just teachers who should be familiar with effective teaching strategies. Parents too must learn how to do it right, since they will have to help their children revise and understand what they learned in the school. It’s true that every child has his/her own way and speed of learning. Yet, there are some general rules that can set the tone right and make education a great experience for the young minds. Best of effective teaching strategies Use Vi...

Top 5 Tips to Help your Child Focus Better While Studying

It is really not easy to have children sit with their books and notebooks for long periods; on the other hand a child can continue to play a game of their interest for hours together even forgetting to eat & drink. So the moot problem is not the lack of focus of the child but the lack of energy in the teaching / learning methodologies to capture the child’s interest. However, there are ways by which you can help them improve their concentration and fare better in studies. Lets look at five top tips to help your child focus & concentrate while studying: Schedule fun/play time for kids : Walking, biking, swimming or playing sports which interest the child will directly help them have a healthy mind which can process things faster and concentrate better on their studies. It will be best if you can enrol them in sports classes of their interest where they also get an added opportunity to hone their social skills while interacting with other kids. Use imagination & imag...

How Can You Help Your Child Focus More and Improve Concentration

As a parent, you will always want what’s best for your child. If you too worry a lot about how you can improve children’s concentration and focus , you are not alone. With so many video consoles, superhero movies and action figures flogging the market, almost every child finds it difficult to focus more on the studies. This indeed creates an alarming situation, but you don’t need to press the panic button just as yet. There are ways to put things back in control, such as using something that interests your child. This will pose a fun-filled challenge to solve a problem, thereby pushing them to get to the end without thinking of it to be a burden, if at all. Maneesh Dutt, a renowned writer, has also written a book on this topic that highlights the importance of presenting interesting challenges to the children, which not only keep them engaged but also give them the opportunity to have some fun. Children will definitely love the creative ideas and would want to go on and on foreve...

Help Your Children Improve Their Concentration

It’s really not easy for children to keep calm and focused all the time. This doesn’t help much when it’s their study time and they aren’t able to keep their composure. You can use the following tips when you don’t know how to help your child concentrate on his/her studies: Indulge in games : Letting your child play any game he/she likes for a limited period of time helps ease off any stress and focus better on the books. You must ensure that they don’t play games on laptop, tablets or mobile phones, and instead play with toys or in the playground, which themselves help greatly in improving concentration. Create a soothing environment : Give your children their space to decide how they want to take up their studies. You can also help them figure it out in the beginning, and do so without pushing them, which will encourage them to do it confidently themselves. Eat healthy : It is very important to give children the right nutrients at the right time. Make sure that they have mea...

How to Help Your Children Improve their Concentration

You may often find your child struggling with his studies. There can be multiple reasons for this ranging from peer pressure to rising competition leading to a general disinterest in studies.  As a parent, you should be concerned from the moment your child starts getting away from things he/she loved doing earlier. You can try the following tips to improve concentration in your children. Stay involved: You must interact more with your children. You should try to make them share daily activities to figure out something where they may need some encouragement. Set a routine : Set a routine for your children, including time sets for study, games, sleep, breakfast, and everything else you feel may work constructively for them. Ease down the tougher tasks : There can be some tasks that your children may struggle with. These tasks can be both physical as well as psychological. If possible, try to break those into smaller tasks which are relatively easier to understand and complete...